One Piece Admiral. Note: Being admiral level doesn't mean that particular guy is stronger than the admirals. One Piece has Three Great Powers that maintain the balance in the world: the Yonko, the Marines, and the Shichibukai.
Itu saja sudah membuat mereka sulit dihadapi oleh mereka yang tidak memiliki Haki. One, the Shichibukai, Sir Crocodile, the other, the famous Admiral Kurohebi, sitting across from each other. Note: Being admiral level doesn't mean that particular guy is stronger than the admirals.
The Implacable New Admiral of the Fleet - Sakazuki!, на Crunchyroll.
Well, since we only Know about two of them, we can't really Compare them all Can't.
Note: Being admiral level doesn't mean that particular guy is stronger than the admirals. Die Marine (jap. 海軍, Kaigun) - auch "Kriegsmacht der Gerechtigkeit" genannt - ist die größte Seestreitmacht der Erde und untersteht der Weltregierung. One Piece Track List For those "what music was used at this time in this episode" questions.